Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business
Inspired by Bob Vervaka’s Mantis Shrimp fly, this pattern was designed specifically to match one of the favorite foods of the Roatan, Honduras reef-dwelling permit and bonefish; the Dark Mantis Shrimp. In order to fool these shallow water fish this fly will land lightly, sink slowly and when equipped with a weedguard remain relatively snag free.

While designed for the flats of Roatan, this fly also works well on Belizean, Mexican, and Cuban bonefish.
Hook: Tiemco 811S, Size 4
Thread: UTC Ultra 140; light olive
Eyes: Medium beadchain; black
Mouth: Rabbit fur; black barred blue
Antennae: Krystal flash, black
Rostrum: Craft fur; olive
Body: Craft fur; olive
Legs: Grizzly flutter legs; black barred hot yellow
Weedguard: 16 lb Mason hard mono
Adhesive: Zap-a-Gap ‘Brush On’

Tying Instructions

Step 1. Insert the hook in the vise. Attach the thread and wrap back to a point 0.5 cm from the eye of the hook.
Step 2. Place a drop of Zap-a-Gap on the thread wraps and then figure eight wrap the beadchain eyes to the top of the hook (This fly rides hook point up).
Step 3. Wrap thread back to the point opposite the barb of the hook. Tie in a bunch of barred rabbit fur, on top of the hook, so that the fur extends off the back one hook shank length. Return wrap the thread to the point behind the eyes.
Step 4. Tie in one looped strand of krystal flash on the top of the hook shank. Start at the point directly behind the eyes and wrap the thread over the flash to a point opposite the barb of the hook, making sure each strand lies along side the rabbit fur. Trim the flash to the length of twice the hook shank.
Step 5.Tie in two strands of Grizzly flutter legs, one on each side of the mouth and trim so that the legs extend past the rabbit fur approximately 1 cm. Return wrap the thread to the point behind the eyes.
Step 6. Cut a small bunch of craft fur off the ‘hide’, brush out the underfur (save for Step 11), and roughly even up the ends. Tie the bunch on top of the hook, so that the fur extends back one and a half hook shank lengths.
Step 7. Spin a dubbing noodle of craft fur and proceed to wrap the dubbing forward, covering half of the hook shank space between the mouth/rostrum and the eyes. Make sure to stroke the craft fur fibers back after each wrap so as not to trap any during the subsequent wraps.
Step 8. Loop a single strand of Grizzly flutter legs around the thread and tie them in so they extend off the hook about a hook shank in length.
Step 9. Spin another dubbing noodle of craft fur and proceed to wrap the dubbing forward, covering the second half of the hook shank space between the legs and the eyes. Again, make sure to stroke the craft fur fibers back after each wrap so as not to trap any fibers during the subsequent wraps.
Step 10. Loop another single strand of Grizzly flutter legs around the thread and tie them in right behind the eyes so they extend off the hook about 2/3 of a hook shank in length.
Step 11. Twist a pinch of craft fur underfur onto the thread and proceed to wrap a small amount of dubbing between the eyes.
Step 12. Using a dubbing brush gently rough up the dubbed craft fur body to bring out the spikey fur.
Step 13. Wrap the thread forward to the hook eye.
Step 14. Cut a 3 cm piece of 30-pound Mason hard monofilament and flatten one end with a pair of pliers.
Step 15. Directly in front of the bead chain eyes, tie in the flattened end of the mono spike behind the eye of the hook on the underside of the hook shank and secure with several tight wraps.
Step 16. Pull the mono spike upright so that it is perpendicular to the hook shank and make one wrap behind the mono and then another in front. Repeat this process five or six times building up a series of thread dams.
Step 17. Whip finish and cement.
Step 18. Pull the weed guard backward over the point of the hook and trim the mono spike slightly in front of the barb of the hook. If you trim the spike too short, it will not be effective. Reset the mono spike into the upright position.

Your Unfinished Business is now complete and you are ready to head out On The Water!

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